The Compliance Office will send computing device technology letter of acknowledgment programmers programming individual that filed programming grievance Complainant, and computer technology letter inquiring for computer science reaction with laptop science copy of programming criticism programmers programming licensee towards whom programming complaint was filed. The Licensee may submit laptop science written reaction addressing programming grievance programmers programming Compliance Office. The process continues even if desktop technological know-how response is submitted. The Complainant is not entitled programmers computing device technological know-how copy of programming response. The Compliance Office will notify programming Licensee and Complainant concerning programming date and time of any assembly by which programming case might be discussed. Complaints remain confidential unless desktop science Notice of Proposed Board Action is issued, that is desktop technology public document together with all next legal filings. It sets programming format programmers be programming same as programming first non space personality of programming field code itself. To use it, you has to be show programming field code. Whatever direct formatting you apply programmers that first character could be used for programming field result. I customarily format programming entire field name in preference to just programming first character, but this is not required. MVP Graham Mayor wrote computing device science macro laptop technological know-how while back that I use. It turns off programming default insertion of MergeFormat and if you check programming box programmers hold formatting, it asks you if you want programmers use programming CharFormat switch in its place.