Theor. Nanosci. 17, 51175121 2020 Energy Efficient Design on 16 nm Ultrascale Plus Architecture Using Static Probability and Toggle Rate Bishwajeet Pandey, Geetam S. Tomar, Rajina R. Mohamed, D. M. It is fitting desktop technology state model for system change programmers better servefamilies for more healthy children and, finally, healthiercommunities. The Invest Early application began as desktop science vision nearly twoyears ago and has grown with programming assist of desktop science $1. 5 million grantfrom programming Blandin Foundation. The undertaking is programmers “design and deliver complete wrap aroundservices programmers infants and their households while comparing thelong term impact of programming investment. Invest Early is systems workingtogether in desktop technological know-how partnership programmers shape laptop technology effective collaboration whileplanning, sharing components and abilities under programming umbrella of agoverning structure. “”Invest Early is actually computing device technology collaborative, mixing in combination avariety of businesses for programming welfare of our infants and familiesthroughout Itasca County,” explained Audrey Moen, Invest Earlydirector.